Sunday, March 15, 2009

Health and Safety resources for persons with a visual impairment

March is workplace Eye Health and Safety
Awareness Month

Check out these great links for free downloads and resources to help create a safe workplace environment for persons who are visually impaired.

Here is a sample of question and tip links;

“Can you see the dangers in your workplace? Accidents at work are a major cause of preventable blindness.”

* Work Place Safety Tips
* Employer Information
* Computer Eye Strain

The Florida Division of Blind Services

Workplace Eye Health and Safety Awareness Month: March 1 – 31

Fire Risks for the Blind and Visually Impaired free download
30 - Page booklet from FEMA
This is an excellent free source filled with helpful information.

Now this is a neat topic; improving assess in the work place and public venues with color and lighting. Check out these two Books;

Color and Contrast: making buildings accessible to visually impaired people

by Keith Bright

ICI Paints

by Vicki Fleming

Keith Bright states “The design and provision of color, lighting and visual contrast are important issues for all users of environments, but especially so for people with a visual impairment.”


  1. Hi Kathleen,
    Very attractive block. There are some sites that I am interested in can I barrow them. I will continue to read your blog. Thanks for the information.

  2. The resources section of the Florida Center for the Blind web site is full of information individuals with visual impairment and their families may need, including a Braille repair service. The second link in your blog was not working properly. It stated that the links appeared to be broken. That site did look like it has useful information. The Fire Risk booklet from FEMA is a must have for all families. This booklet offers safety and fire prevention tips for individuals with visual impairment.

  3. Kathleen,
    Thanks so much for all this great information! I think we really do take for granted our vision and do not pay attention to safety in the workplace and other environments. I think of all the times I have been told it is dangerous to not wear sunglasses during high ray times (especially in Florida), and even further than that while driving.
    By being more mindful of our vision we can grown more conscious of others with impairments and also in my opinion, offer them respect by protecting what would be so precious for these individuals to gain back.
    Thanks :) Amanda Ganyo
